Flight & Anchor: A Firebreak Story

Flight & Anchor: A Firebreak Story

歌林Kolin 定時涼風大廈扇

歌林Kolin 定時涼風大廈扇


  • 分類:
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  • 作者: Nicole,Kornher-Stace 追蹤 ? 追蹤作者後,您會在第一時間收到作者新書通知。
  • 出版社: Tachyon Pu 追蹤 ? 追蹤出版社後,您會在第一時間收到出版社新書通知。
  • 出版日:2022/09/09


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Lit Hub 21 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books to Look Forward to in 2023 "Set several years before Firebreak (2021), Kornher-Stace's newest Firebreak tale follows operatives 06 and 22 as 12-year-olds who have escaped from the Stellaxis headquarters, where they have lived and trained since they were orphaned 4 years earlier in the corporate civil war. Besides discovering that they are woefully unprepared for living on their own as they hide in an abandoned shipping container mere blocks from their home, they also learn of the operatives' merchandise generated by Stellaxis' marketing department. Not only are their own statistics blatantly exaggerated, they are also described as artificial humans made to be perfect weapons, which is outrageous given their vague memories of childhood before being 'rescued' by Stellaxis. Relying on dumpster diving, selling recycled cans, and some charity, they struggle to feed themselves while the Director, hiding their escape from the company to protect her job, sabotages their lives with nanobots. This distressing yet delightful prequel explains the history between 06 and 22, cementing the reasoning behind their actions in Firebreak and expanding readers' understanding of the dystopian, corporate-owned world Kornher-Stace has created."
--Booklist "Cyborg Boxcar Children vs. the nanomachines, only make it a character study in possibility, heartache, sacrifice, and friendship. Wonderful."
--Max Gladstone, author of Last Exit "In the future, the U.S. has been replaced by two corporations, one of which is Stellaxis, which kidnaps and makes children into supersoldiers. This prequel to Firebreak presents a compelling, heartbreaking origin story for 06 and 22, two of the orphaned, brainwashed, child-soldier superheroes whose plight became the cause ce織le`bre that finally opened a chink in Stellaxis's carefully constructed, spin-doctored armor. The always rebellious 06 and her stalwart follower 22 run away from their corporate overseers and attempt to blend into the population. It's a dream that is doomed to fail, but the children are too young to realize it and too selfless to leave each other behind--to a terrible cost, now and in the years to come. Readers who loved Firebreak are going to fall hard for this story, as it adds layers to the buckets of heartbreak, and tears to the already poignant ending of their saga. VERDICT: A terrific entry point into this compelling, corrupt, dystopian world, with a story about the forging of unbreakable bonds set against harrowing adventure, heartrending choices, and traumatic consequences."
--Library Journal "Kornher-Stace finds a perfect balance between human childhood and otherworldliness by making us fall for the myth and propaganda surrounding 06 and 22 while also making them deeply human, if only deep down. A burning ember of humanity in the midst of overwhelming propaganda."
--Bookish Brew's Reviews "Kornher-Stace masterfully weaves a deviously creative romp that is somehow both nail-bitingly suspenseful and tenderly cozy, as if the authors of How to Win the Time War had decided to set The Boxcar Children in Snow Crash's tongue-in-cheek hyper-capitalist dystopia. Flight & Anchor is a stunning achievement, one that hauls on the heartstrings as it tickles the brain with the effervescent prose of a Beat master, sure to bust through even the toughest reading slump--though I definitely expect no less from this must-buy author."
--Maria Dong, author of Liar, Dreamer, Thief "We join twelve-year old super-soldier operatives and inseparable BFFs 06 and 22, years before they'll inspire a people's rebellion in Firebreak, centuries before their exploits will influence the post-apocalyptic Archivist Wasp. On the lam from the cruel program that created them, they're capable of astonishing feats of heroism and destruction, but they're also lost kids who only have each other to rely on. Kornher-Stace's nail-biting novella, full of Easter eggs for fans of



    • 語言
    • 英文
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9781616963927
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 0
    • 商品規格
    • 出版地
    • 美國
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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