
DIY:I-Ching & Modern Feng Shui 易經與現代風水 (English Version)

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  • 作者: Roger Wu 吳治逸 追蹤 ? 追蹤作者後,您會在第一時間收到作者新書通知。
  • 出版社: 鑫富樂 追蹤 ? 追蹤出版社後,您會在第一時間收到出版社新書通知。
  • 出版日:2016/09/02


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●Bilingual languages: English is the main, Chinese is the complemental. Let you and foreigners discuss and practice I-Ching & Feng Shui easily. 
●To explain as accurately as possible the Steps of I-Ching divination and providing real example in English and Chinese. 
●Comprehensive charts, tables and examples. 
●The dragon over the fields, the dragon flying over the sky and the Taijiquan theory; these all originated from I-Ching. 
●I-Ching widely involves astronomy, geography, human relationships, science, life, health and life philosophy. Besides, Feng Shui is an important tool for house buying, interior decoration and business management. This book provides you with easy to understand explanations and suggestions. This will aid you and foreigners discuss and practice I-Ching & Feng Shui easily. 
Key Features: 
1. Quickly to learn the essential application of I-Ching & Feng Shui.
2. To explain the steps of I-Ching divination and providing real life example. 
3. Use of comprehensive charts, table and examples for your discussion and practice. 
4. Chinese version please see易經風水DIY:易經與現代風水. 




1949年生,中國文化大學經濟系國貿組畢,上市公司主管退休,曾赴中國大陸與美國提供陽宅風水服務,曾任補習班國貿實務與商用英文書信講師,著有 Concise Feng Shui Manual。


序 Preface………………………………………………………………………2

伏羲六十四卦次序圖 Fu Xi sixty-four trigrams…………………………………8

64卦名中英對照表 64 Gua Table in Chinese & English ………………………14

第一篇 易經 Part One:I-Ching

Ch1 易經卜卦步驟實例與基礎

I-Ching divination, examples and basic concepts …………………………16

Ch2 六十四卦精要與建言 I-Ching Contents and Suggestions ……………37

1. 乾:乾為天 Chian ……………………………………………………………37

2. 坤:坤為地 Kun ………………………………………………………………40

3. 屯:水雷屯 Tuen ………………………………………………………………43

4. 蒙:山水蒙 Meng ……………………………………………………………46

5. 需:水天需 Shiu ………………………………………………………………49

6. 訟:天水訟 Soong ……………………………………………………………52

7. 師:地水師 Shi …………………………………………………………………55

8. 比:水地比 Bi …………………………………………………………………58

9. 小畜:風天小畜 Shiao-Shiu …………………………………………………61

10. 履:天澤履 Lyu ………………………………………………………………64

11. 泰:地天泰 Thai ……………………………………………………………67

12. 否:天地否 Pi ………………………………………………………………70

13. 同人:天火同人 Tong- Ren …………………………………………………72

14. 大有:火天大有 Ta-Yu ……………………………………………………75

15. 謙:地山謙 Qian ………………………………………&



The Infinity (Endless Ultimate) gives rise to the Supreme Ultimate, the Supreme Ultimate gives rise to the Duality (Yin and Yang), the Duality generates four emblematic symbols and the four emblematic symbols engender eight basics Ba-Gua. The Infinity, which is boundless and eternal, signifies Yin and Yang in the primal order less chaos, without beginning and end. The Supreme Ultimate refers to endless space. The harmony of Human beings and the nature depends upon the seamless coordination of Yin and Yang. Four emblematic symbols are the spring equinox, the summer solstice, the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. Farmers in ancient times planned the farm work according to the four seasons. They sowed in spring, planted in summer, reaped in autumn and stored in winter. The Sage Fu-Xi applied Yin and Yang symbols (duality) to create primordial Ba-Gua. Xia-Yu later reinterpreted it to become the "Manifested Ba-Gua". King Wen of Zhou state overlapped the Ba-Gua (Eight Trigrams) and developed it into the current 64 Gua (64 Trigrams). I-Ching is one of the oldest Chinese classic texts. It was created collectively by the Sages in ancient China. "Variability"," Persistency" and "Simplicity" are the philosophy of I-Ching. Variability signifies that all creatures in the cosmos are constantly changing, which result in new phenomena. Persistency means although all creatures are changing constantly, there is still a universal truth, or so-called "law of being", governing everything. Simplicity means that after all creatures experienced changes, new situations occurred, but the creatures became adapted and everything co-existed peacefully once again. At the end, they live prosperously and successfully. Learning I-Ching will enable you to foresee the ins and outs of things. If a thing is handled according to the doctrine of the mean, it then complies with the "Persistency". Life is full of ups and downs. The uncertainty and changeability of life is "Variability". I-Ching teaches you to turn bad luck into good fortunes and help things go smoothly. This is called "Simplicity". From ancient times to the present day, all matter on earth and the life cycles of all living beings never fall outside of the scope of "Variability", "Persistency" and "Simplicity". Learning I-Ching will educate and inform you about the past and the present, which is exactly what the proverb "To know is difficult, to do is easy!" preaches. This book is attempting to interpret the 64 hexagrams and 384 yaos (lines on a trigram), providing 448 suggestions in total, allowing 64 hexagrams and 384 yaos be idiomized and easily understandable. I-Ching is also a book of divination, used as a tool to predict the future to relieve people's doubts.


The second part of the book– Modern Feng Shui provides readers with related knowledge of Feng Shui to improve the design and layout of a house to help the family live in harmony and prosperity. I was once invited to the US to do a Feng Shui consultation for a new bank. The consultation ranged from the choice of address, office layouts to grand opening. Many people in the West do not believe in Feng Shui. They tend to see it as a superstition. However, I always take the chance to explain to them. For example, the blood vessels in human bodies are influenced by the magnetic fields because there is iron in the vessels. Also, many people experience a sudden change of character as they are influenced by the axial tilt of the earth. In addition, there is a line between the center of northeast and southwest of a house. In feng shui, the line is called "the ghost gate line ". If a cat, a dog, or a mouse kept in a cage is placed on the ghost gate line, it will become agitated and try to move away immediately. To provide valid Feng Shui consultation for a house


2. The benefits of learning I-Ching

(1) Life guide.

Life has ups and downs. Nobody can live a life without adversity. Although everyone likes to have all the splendor in the world, life cannot always be smooth. Through the study of I-Ching, you can reduce the chance of making mistakes and avoid misfortune. Especially when things turn sour, always keep a low-profile.

(2) To improve your analytical skills and your ability to adapt.

Predicaments are common in life. If you know duality and apply it in life, you will know that everything is within the scope of "duality", meaning it’s either positive or negative. You will know what course to take to avoid disasters. Examples of duality : high and low, young and old, sun and moon, top and bottom, cold and hot, husband and wife, water and fire, good and bad, smoothness and adversity, etc.

(3) Predict the future and seize the opportunities.

I-Ching serves as an ancient Chinese method of divination. It can foresee the developing situation and guide you in preparing your contingency plans. Moreover, you will take your life to the next level through learning I-Ching.

3.卜卦 DIY







c.念誦祈禱文 (只需念誦1次)

我是 xxx , 今年xx 歲,住在xxxxxxxxxxx。 今日有一事, ⋯⋯⋯。



    • 語言
    • 中文繁體
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9789869306515
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 287
    • 商品規格
    • 菊8開21*28cm
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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