
The Power Couple’s PlaybookThePower Couple’s PlaybookThe 30 Day Game Plan to Becoming a Hi

The Power Couple's PlaybookThePower Couple's PlaybookThe 30 Day Game P

歌林Kolin 定時涼風大廈扇

歌林Kolin 定時涼風大廈扇


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  • 作者: Daniel,Aaron 追蹤 ? 追蹤作者後,您會在第一時間收到作者新書通知。
  • 出版社: Ingram 追蹤 ? 追蹤出版社後,您會在第一時間收到出版社新書通知。
  • 出版日:2020/07/01


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The 30 Day Game Plan to Becoming a High-Achieving Duo of Influence

This 30-day program brings together six years of crucial and transformative research on relationships in our modern world, specifically for the ambitious couple. Aaron Daniel has worked with countless couples on their wedding day, and has studied the psyche they all use to create their own sphere of power. They are highly paid digital artists, they are medical practitioners, they are business owners, accountants, healthcare workers, and teachers to name of a few - all at the top of their game. Whether or not these couples are aware of it, they each have a set of habits that make them tick.

This book is the culmination of those habits.

It is a 30 day routine to help cultivate each habit, with practical topics including: how to get on the same page with your partnerhow to show compassion and forgive your partnerhow to make the best use of your working time aparthow to market yourselves as a Power Couplehow to get your partner to feel secure

WHAT'S IN THIS BOOKThe tried and true techniques of growing a healthy relationshipHow to turn your life partner into your work partner without tryingHow to start showing off your relationship without being too braggyAn easy-to-follow program to keep your love thrivingHow to focus on the things that matter in the homeHow much time you should actually use for workingEasy tips to get your daily focus back on trackThe template workout for 2My one-sentence technique to keep your habits from breaking


You don't need to do this with your partner. This playbook is written for the individual person to give you an honest head start at creating your Power Couple relationship. But, let it be known that your partner will start to pick up on your habits. They will start to question your change into exemplary behaviour and they will begin to see the love you feel for them, even if you've been failing to show this for years. It is important to ensure your partner that everything is okay and that you are just trying to be a better partner. Soon, your significant other will pick up on your habits and join in unknowingly. You may bring them into this secret challenge as soon as you wish.

If you do choose to go through these 30 days with your partner, it will be much more meaningful.


On Growing:

"After 30 days with The Power Couple's Playbook, you will be energized, inspired, productive and loving with everything you put out into the world. This playbook will turn you into a high- achieving, influential, archetypal Power Couple."

On Listening:

"Too often, we listen with suspicion or disbelief. This happens when we spend large amounts of time with someone. The more we get to know a person, the more we see their not-so-perfect side... sometimes this can make us question what they say."

On Planning:

"Without a repetitive sleep schedule, you leave room for error. There is nothing stopping you from letting yourself sleep in or stay up too late, but when you do your daily energy dwindles. Without a scheduled start and end to your day, the in-between is free to be shaken."

On Training:

"The mind and the body are one in the same. If you wish to train your mind into one of Power Couple status, the body must be equally trained. If your body is weak, it will lead to the demise of your mind and the fall of your relationship. For at least an hour every single day, you will..."



    • 語言
    • 英文
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9781777276119
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 0
    • 商品規格
    • 18開17*23cm
    • 出版地
    • 美國
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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