
Unit Root- Cointegration- Granger-Causality- Threshold Regression and Other Econometric Modeling wit
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分校的格蘭傑爾教授(C.W.J.Granger,2003年諾貝爾獎得主)的鼓勵及指導。也在此一併致謝黃明正教授對他在西維琴尼亞大學當訪問學者時的幫助與鼓勵。楊慶偉教授在此要感謝西維琴大學教計量經濟學的維特( T. Witt) 教授;同時感謝當時國立中正大學管理學院的洪家駿院長的賞識。






楊慶偉教授在1979年取得西維琴尼亞大學(West Virginia University)經濟學博士學位,並於08/1979-05/1980期間,在該校的礦產能源學院擔任博士後研究員。隨後的一年他在印地安那-普渡大學韋恩堡分校(Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne)擔任訪問助理教授(August 1980~May 1981)。從1982年8月開始,他被賓州州立克萊恩大學(Clarion University of Pennsylvania)聘請為助理教授,直到2013年5月以正教授退休為止,他在高等教育界服務了三十多年。在這三十多年期間,楊慶偉教授曾經兩度回到國立中正大學客座講學(September 1992~July 1993; September 2009~June 2010)。他在2004年5月被邀請返台灣,主持由教育部與靜宜大學主辦的彈性理論專題演講。

楊教授著作等身,在不同的領域??發表了上百篇的學術論文,包括了運籌學(Operations Research),規範經濟學期刊(Journal of Regulatory Economics),財政學季刊(Public Finance Quarterly),能源期刊(Energy Journal),南方經濟學期刊(Southern Economic Journal),東方經濟學期刊(Eastern Economics Journal),大西洋經濟學期刊(Atlantic Economics Journal).。他也曾在大學數學期刊(The College Mathematics Journal)和數學雜誌(Mathematics Magazine)成功地提出了証明題的解答。他有幸與2003年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主之一的格蘭傑爾(C.W.J. Granger)和黃柏農教授合作,在經濟統計季刊(Quarterly Review of Economics and Statistics Vol.40, pp. 337-354, 2000)上, 發表了一篇影響因子很大的文章。此外他與黃柏農教授合著的文章發表在能源經濟學(Energy Economics),比較經濟學(Journal of Comparative Economics),和平與國防(Peace and Defense Economics),應用經濟學期刊(Applied Economics),曼切斯特學院(The Manchester School),農業經濟學(Agricultural Economics),經濟模式(Economic Modelling),競爭法律與經濟學(Journal of Competitive Law and Economics),生態經濟學(Ecological Economics)和亞洲經濟學(Journal of Asian Economics)。

楊慶偉教授酷愛歷史研究及「紅樓夢」,曾經是「世界週刊」的專欄作家,著有《楊教授談理財》一書.他的非學術性文章刊登在「世界日報」,「中國時報」,「僑報」,「紹興縣報」,「柯橋日報」,「今日美國(USA Today)」,「匹資堡郵報(Pittsburgh Post Gazette )」「中國郵報( China Post)」,「台北評論(Taipei Review)」等報紙。



I. The Granger Causality Models in Mean and Variance

1. A Bivariate Causality Between Stock Prices and Exchange
Rates: Evidence from Recent Asian Flu
C.W.J. Granger, Bwo-Nung Huang and Chin-Wei Yang

2. An Analysis of Factors Affecting Price Volatility of the US Oil
Chin-Wei Yang, Ming J. Hwang and Bwo-Nung Huang

3. Causality and Cointegration of Stock Markets among the US,
Japan and South China Growth Triangle
Bwo-Nung Huang, Chin-Wei Yang and J.W. Hu

4. Long-run Purchasing Power Parity Revisited : A Monte Carlo
Bwo-Nung Huang and Chin-Wei Yang

5. Oil Price Movements and Stock Market Revisited: A Case of
Sector Stock Price Indexes in the G-7 Countries
B.J.Lee , Chin-Wei Yang and Bwo-Nung Huang

6. Volatility of Changes in G-5 Exchange Rates and Its Market
Transmission Mechanism
Bwo-Nung Huang and Chin-Wei Yang

7. Stock Market Integration —An Application of the Stochastic
Permanent Breaks Model
Bwo-Nung Huang and Robert C.W. Fok

8. State Dependent Correlation and Lead-Lag Relation when Volatility of Markets is Large: Evidence from the US and Asian Emerging Markets
Bwo-Nung Huang, Soong-Nark Sohng and Chin-Wei Yang

9. Oil Price Volatility
Ming J. Hwang, Chin-Wei Yang , Bwo-Nung Huang and H. Ohta

II. Granger Causality Models Using Panel Data

1. Causal Relationship between Energy Consumption and GDP
Growth Revisited: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach
Bwo-Nung Huang, Ming J. Hwang and Chin-Wei Yang

2. Military Expenditure and Economic Growth across Different
Groups: A Dynamic Panel Granger-Causality Approach
H. C. Chang, Bwo-Nung Huang and Chin-Wei Yang

3. New Evidence on Demand for Cigarette: A Panel Data Approach
Bwo-Nung Huang, Chin-Wei Yang and Ming J. Hwang

III. Granger Causality Models with Thresholds

1. Demand for Cigarette Revisited: An Application of the Threshold
Regression Model



Both deductive and inductive methods in scientific research have undergone significant changes since the beginning of the 20th century as sciences advance rapidly. Deductive method reached its pinnacle when Russel’s paradox became popular in the field of mathematical logics. The famous barber’s paradox illustrates the inevitable logical dilemma: the only barber in an isolated village does the following: (1) he cuts hair for those who do not cut their own and (2) does not cut hair for those who cut their own. Suppose 90 members in the village do not cut their hair (so barber cuts their hair) and 9 cut their own hair (thus barber does not cut their hair). The question is who cuts the barber’s hair? The intrinsic contradiction arrives in either way. If barber cuts his own hair, then it contradicts the condition the barber cuts hair for those who do not cut their own hair: the barber cuts his own hair if he (the barber) does not cut his hair. On the other hand, if the barber does not cut his hair, then he (the barber) will cut his own hair, another contradiction. In either case, we seem to arrive at an inescapable contradiction: such a barber cannot possibly exist in the logical world.

Godel took a step further to show contradictions are intrinsically inevitable in his famous Incomplete Theorems. Let us start it by trying to prove the statement that “ghost exists” via valid arithmetic rules and true axioms. Suppose at halfway, we arrive at “that ghost does not exist is provable (which is quite acceptable to some of us)“ with all correct logical steps and well-known and time-tested axioms. Assuming for one moment we reject the hypothesis that ghost exists and hence conclude ghost does not exists. The conclusion that “ghost does not exist “can clearly be translated into “that ghost does not exist is provable”. However given the hypothesis is false, its proposition logically derived halfway (that ghost does not exist is provable) cannot be true because all the arithmetic rules and axioms are valid. As a result we reject the proposition derived halfway that “ghost does not exist is provable “so that we have “ghost does not exist is not provable or ghost exist is provable” because in a complete system we have only two possible outcomes: either ghost exists or does not exist or it is provable or not provable. In a nutshell, we have arrived at both that “ghost does not exist is provable” and “ghost exists is provable”. Reader can find out when the hypothesis is supported, we have two contradictory propositions as well: that “ghost exists is provable” and that “ghost does not exist is provable”. There is an intrinsic dilemma between consistency and completeness in the formal deductive logic.

On the other hand, as is commonly understood in inductive methods, one counter-example does not kill a theory. It is the p value that counts: the smaller the p value is, the more likely a null hypothesis is rejected. So those on the inductive track can enjoy fruit born in statistics. Rapid development in time series and panel data econometrics in recent years has rendered modeling in Economics, Financial and other Social Sciences much easier and results more reliable. However, like Godel’s Incomplete Theorem in deductive methodology, there is a nearly insurmountable hurdle to overcome: most statistical results had limited interpretations. As a proverbial example, an ordinary regression that fits beautifully between numbers of new-born babies and numbers of storks arrived at a locality does not provide causality. No a priori causal direction can be given so we arrive at a dead end: do arrivals of storks cause new-born babies or vice versa? It tells a close association only, which does not really yield much useful information. One must wait for a new methodology to break through and this is exactly where Granger causality models come into play.

In an important paper in Econometrica, Professor C.W.J. Granger came up with a valid framework within which causality can be statistically tested (Granger, 1969). Regression analysis with variables in level or differenced forms must first be studied lest one may encounter spurious relationship (Granger and Newbold, 1974). As a consequence, concepts of unit root, cointegration vector and error correction term must be examined before the regression analysis (Engle and Granger, 1987) can be appropriately formulated. It has become a standard procedure nowadays. Our sincere thanks go to Professor C.W.J. Granger and other prominent statisticians, who have advanced the inductive methodology significantly where their contributions can never be over-emphasized.

The aim of the book is to provide hands-on modeling techniques which are virtually indispensable in Economics and Finance and other
social sciences. The availability of statistical or econometric software (RATS, Eviews, Stata, Gauss, SAS, SPSS, R)has rendered empirical testing much more convenient. However many caveats are to be avoided which researchers frequently encounter. Numerous real world examples are provided especially in Economics and Finance. Most data are time series or panel data; one is cross-sectional. Note that all papers in this book were published in peer-reviewed journals This book is suitable to graduate or first year doctoral students who have some the familiarity with an econometric text such as Greene (2003 ).

We are grateful to late Professor C.W.J. Granger, the originator of the Granger Causality in the domain of inductive methodology. His encouragement motivated us to pursue this academic endeavor. His model has made nearly all the economics and finance theories readily testable. The first author would like to thank his late father- Mr. Hai-Nan Huang (黃海南) and mother Mrs. May-Chu Chang (張美珠) for their supports, his wife Wen-Chien Tsai (蔡雯倩), daughter Chun-Jean Huang (黃春靜) and son Brian Jason Huang (黃春浩) for their thoughtful consideration and for their loving and care. The second author would take this opportunity to thank his late parents- Mr. Chien Yang (楊健)and Mrs. Hanying Chang Yang (楊張涵英)- for their unconditional sacrifices, his wife Alice Shichia Tang Yang (唐錫嘉)and daughter Felicia Yang (楊天恩)Gorman for their unlimited patience and his granddaughter Fern Lindsey Gorman (楊長霏) for being so adorable. Without them, this book could not have been made possible.



    • 語言
    • 中/英對照
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9781625034670
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 460
    • 商品規格
    • 27.9*21.6
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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