在孩子心裡飛翔(英文版)Walking in Children’s Shoes




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  • 作者: Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu. 追蹤 ? 追蹤作者後,您會在第一時間收到作者新書通知。
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  • 出版社: 賽斯文化 追蹤 ? 追蹤出版社後,您會在第一時間收到出版社新書通知。
  • 出版日:2013/03/01


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If you think of your children as the children living inside your heart, how would you treat them?

You would try to walk in their shoes. You would see the world from a child’s point of view, and allow your children to see things from your perspective.

You would treat children with true respect and understand their thoughts whole-heartedly without indoctrinating, spoiling, or scolding them.

You would share true emotion with children and observe carefully and understanding the meaning behind children’s every behavior without making decisions for them or overly interfering and criticizing them.

Then you will realize that each child is gifted in his or her own special way and that the child outside does not need to be taught.

In this book, Dr. Hus provides 48 tips for parents to be truly happy with themselves and with their children.


Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu

Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu is a graduate of the Taipei Medical University. He worked as a specialist in family medicine at the Renai branch of the Taipei City Hospital but transferred to psychiatry to gain a deeper understanding of how the human psyche affects the body. He was later a psychiatrist with the Taipei City Psychiatric Center and the director of the mental health department at the Taipei County Hospital. He enjoys Zen meditation and writing, and has been featured as a regular columnist on spiritual matters in the United Daily News, the family section of the China Times, the spiritual helper section of Great News, the family section of the Liberty Times and the medical section of the China Times.

Apart from his background in orthodox medicine, he has studied holistic health philosophies for nearly 20 years and favors Seth. Dr. Hsu has been studying holistic health philosophy and practice for body, mind and spirit for nearly two decades and has many insights to share on cancer therapy and relapse prevention. In Holistic Health Development Groups and the "Beautiful Life Cancer Patient Development Group,” he applies the theories and techniques unknown or ignored by the modern medicine world and has achieved impressive results. He has also been invited to speak in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, the US and Canada, winning popular acclaim every time.

To help more people, Dr. Hsu established Seth Publishing in 2007. This was followed by the setting up of the New Age Seth Culture and Education Foundation and the Seth Holistic Clinic in 2008. Hopefully, everyone will realize that disease is a symptom of inner imbalance and conflict. Any "treatment" of disease must therefore ultimately be based on the restoration of "mental, physical and spiritual balance." This is something that can be achieved through constant self-study, self-awareness and enlightenment.



    • 語言
    • 中文繁體
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9789866436437
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 232
    • 商品規格
    • 25開15*21cm
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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