
【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L


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■ 適用時間:24小時
■ 適用地點:全世界
■ 最完美的英語溝通話術
華裔美籍英語教師Edward Wu以美國人觀點、亞洲人需求,精心編寫4000句美國人最常使用的日常會話。
■ 4000句會話MP3全收錄
■ 關鍵時刻隨查隨說
■ 依狀況快速檢索
■ 小巧開本,精美耐用

1. 全書共分4大部分,20個篇章
2. 共收錄208個狀況,4000多句應急句
3. 全書會話MP3全收錄
4. 中英對照,迅速翻譯
5. 每句皆附編號,方便對照MP3
6. 相關用語補充站
7. 目錄詳盡,方便檢索


Part1 Interpersonal Relationship人際互動
Chapter 1 Talk to Others 與他人交談
1. Get to Know Others認識他人
2. Greeting Terms問候用語
3. Chatting 閒聊
4. Invitations 邀約

Chapter 2 Ways to Express Oneself自我表達
1. Expressions情緒表達
2. Feelings 感受

Chapter 3 Telephone Conversations 電話對話
1. Telephone Calls 電話鈴響
2. Introduction and purpose of call電話自我介紹並表明來電目的

Part2 Daily Life 日常生活
Chapter 1 Cooking 烹飪
1. Eat at Home 在家用餐
2. Eating in a Restaurant到餐廳用餐
3. Eating in the Open Air在戶外用餐

Chapter 2 Day to Night 從早到晚
1. Get up in the Morning 晨起
2. At Home 在家
3. In the Evening 傍晚時分

Chapter3 Transportation 交通運輸
1. Public Transportation大眾運輸
2. Means of Transportation運輸工具
3. Traffic Problems 交通問題

Chapter4 School Life校園生活
1. Campus 校園
2. Study Abroad 國外求學

Chapter5 Sports 運動
1. All Kinds of Sports 各類型運動
2. In the Gymnasium在健身房

Chapter6 Shopping 購物
1. Make Purchases 採買
2. Paying the Price 付錢
3. Dressing up 盛裝打扮

Chapter7 Pastime 消遣娛樂
1. Indoor Activities 室內活動
2. Outdoor Activities 戶外活動

Chapter8 Vacations 渡假去
1. Holidays 假日
2. Special Commemorations 特殊紀念日

Chapter9 Body 身體
1. Health 健康
2. In the Hospital 在醫院裡

Chapter10 Daily Business 日常商業行為
1. Bank Service銀行服務
2. Post Office 郵局
3. Insurance Business 保險業務

Chapter11 Buying & Renting House 買房子&租房子
1. Buying a House買房子
2. Rent a House 租房子

Part3 The Job Market 職場應酬
Chapter1 Interview 面試
1. the Job Seeker 求職者
2. the Interviewer 面試官

Chapter2 Office Conversation 辦公室會話
1. Get Along with Colleagues 和同事相處
2. Talking about Work討論工作

Chapter3 Consulting with Customers 與顧客商議
1. In the Meeting 會議中
2. Negotiation and Cooperation 協商與合作
3. Meeting Customers 與顧客碰面

Part4 Traveling Abroad 出國旅遊
Chapter1 Take the Plane 搭飛機
1. Before Flying 起飛之前
2. On the Plane飛機上
3. Transfer and Immigration 轉機和入境

Chapter2 Hotel 飯店
1. Check In住房登記
2. Check Out退房

Chapter3 Sightseeing 觀光
1. Sightseeing觀光
2. Shopping購物
3. Situations狀況



Learning a language can be a scary ordeal. It’s a complicated, daunting monster that can frighten even the surest of students into silence. But it’s not impossible to overcome. People learn a language best when immersed in the environment of that language. However, how can you best equip a person for the numerous conversational situations that take place on a daily basis? That was the problem I tried to solve when I first set out to write this book.
When I first started teaching English in Taiwan, the first thing that I noticed was the hesitation to speak. Students lacked the confidence to say what was on their mind. While they possessed a wide vocabulary bank and understood many grammar rules, they were unable to fit all the pieces together. Most importantly, they were unsure of themselves when it came to speaking and what to say in certain situations. So what did they do? They shut up.
A conversation takes place not with just a single individual, but between two. You can memorize all the vocabulary words you want and be able to conjugate verbs, but until you can put it all together, you have not mastered a language.
I have had many a student come and tell me that they cannot speak English well, but that if they memorize more vocabulary words, they can then hold a conversation. While it is important for students to learn and memorize vocabulary words and the basic rules of a language (i.e. grammar), it is equally important for them to learn how to shape those words and phrases into a meaningful whole and how to use the language in a social context.
This book is designed to give students an interesting and insightful look into various social situations that they might come across on a daily basis, in which they can usefully and purposefully practice their English. With over 200 situations and 20 useful sentences and phrases to go along with each situation, students can achieve a level of competence they didn’t have before.
By learning these expressions and phrases, students will be armed to go into the real world and communicate on a level that can be understood by native speakers. However, in order to be successful, you have to practice and use what you’ve learned. If you don’t practice what you’ve learned, you forget what you’ve learned.
My hope is that this book will help encourage students to dive into a conversation and to keep it going. That they will find what’s in this book helpful. It is by no means a comprehensive book with the answer to everything, but hopefully it can act as a springboard, a launching point as they continue to learn and develop the use of their second language. I wish every student the best of luck!



    • 語言
    • 中文繁體
    • 裝訂
    • 軟精裝
    • ISBN
    • 9789866957727
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 512
    • 商品規格
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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