黑小米的故事Story of the black millet(英文版)

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L


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2 Long long time ago, a mother took her baby to work in the field. She needed to weed the field and bring some sweet potatoes and taros back home to eat.
4 She left the baby in the cradle in the workhouse nearby and went to work in the field. It did not take long for the baby to start crying. But the mother continued to work hard in the field.
6 She said to her baby, ""Be patient. I will feed you later. Mommy has just one line to weed."" And so she continued working hard in the field.
8 Soon it was noontime. The baby cried even louder. But the mother ignored him as she kept working hard.
10 After a while, the baby's crying stopped. The mother was confused, so she went back to the workhouse to check.
12 Oh no! The baby was gone. Inside the cradle was a huge oval stone instead.
14 The mother was terrified. She called the baby's name and looked for him everywhere. But the baby was no where to be found.
16 Sad and heartborken, she came back to her tribe and told her family what had happened.
18 That night, the woman had a strange dream in which some ""god"" said to her:"" I am a god in the deep Pelepelengane Lake.""
20 ""Your baby cried too loud, so I took him back to raise. When he grows up. I will let you see each other.""
22 ""But you must agree to my request. You have to work with us and we will grow crops together.""
24 ""When we work in the field, you will not see us. But you can tell how many of us are there by the number of the stone chairs or the lines of the field we work on.""
26 The woman agreed and they started working together. Half year later, the millet field began to grow black millets. Soon the balck millets ripened and were ready to harvest.
28 The gods and the woman's family shared these black millets. While the god carried the millet away, they saw the piles of millet floating towards the deep Pelepelengane Lake.
30 Time flied, The day agreed by the god and the woman to meet her son arrived. The missing baby, now a grown-up man appeared. Sitting on a big stone next to the tribal leader's house. The young man was tall and handsome.
32 Black millet is named after this legend. It is said that the seed of black millet was a gift from the god in the deep



    • 語言
    • 其他
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9786267368794
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 36
    • 商品規格
    • 17*24.2*0.5
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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