BSA B31 - B32 - B33 - B34 ’Service Sheets’ 1945-1960 for All Pre-Unit Rigid, Spring Frame and Swing Arm Models

BSA B31 - B32 - B33 - B34 'Service Sheets' 1945-1960 for All Pre-Unit

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L


  • 9 1617
  • 信用卡分期: 60利率  每期 270更多分期
    30利率 每期539 接受26 家銀行
    60利率 每期270 接受26 家銀行
    30利率  接受26家銀行
    60利率  接受26家銀行
    120利率  接受26家銀行
    240利率  接受22家銀行


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194 pages, and more than 240 illustrations and charts, size 8.25 x 10.75 inches.

In 1945, after the war had ended, BSA resumed production of their civilian line of motorcycles. However, they continued their pre-war practice of publishing repair, overhaul and technical information in the form of individual 'Service Sheets'. These sheets were 'dealer only' publications and, as such, the print quality was at times somewhat questionable. It was not until the early 1960's that BSA eventually started publishing model specific workshop manuals that were available to the general public. Consequently, these 'Service Sheets' were the only publications available for the maintenance and repair of BSA models that were manufactured through the early 1960's.

At some point in the 1930's, BSA adopted the practice of identifying their various model types by 'groups' and the models manufactured from 1945 through the mid 1960's were in Groups A, B, C, D and M. The service sheets that were associated to a particular group were identified numerically and, while there were some exceptions due to overlapping data between models, in general terms the numbers relate to a particular model group. They are as follows: The 200 series of service sheets were applicable to Group A models, the 300 series to Group B, the 400 series to Group C, the 500 series to Group D and the 600 series to Group M. In addition, there were a 700 series applicable to mechanical maintenance and an 800 series for electronic service and wiring diagrams. Both the 700 and 800 series of service sheets contained information that was not model specific but was applicable across multiple model groups.

Unfortunately, as these service sheets were issued individually and at random times, the numbering sequence within any group is, at times, illogical and not necessarily consecutive. Consequently, assembling those individual sheets into a publication that serves as a model specific workshop manual is a somewhat difficult task and owners of BSA motorcycles are subjected to considerable confusion surrounding the appropriate selection from the multitude of reprints that have recently flooded the on-line marketplace. Many of the reprints found on internet websites are from 'bedroom sellers' at enticingly low prices by individuals that really have no idea what they are selling. Many are nothing more than poor quality comb-bound photocopies that are scanned and printed complete with greasy pages and thumbprints and, as such, are deceptively described as 'pre-owned', 'used' or even 'refurbished'! In addition, they are often advertised for the incorrect series and/or model years of motorcycles.

The most complete compilation of the 1945 and onwards service sheets was issued by BSA in the form of a 'dealer only' ring binder that contained all of the individual service sheets totaling to almost 500 pages, it is extremely scarce and difficult to find. This manual contains 59 service sheets (190 pages) extracted from that 'dealer only' publication, which cover the 1945 to 1960 pre-unit, rigid, plunger and swing arm B31, B32, B33 and B34 plus Gold Star and Competition models. Please note that service sheets other than those in the 300 series that are included in this publication may also contain data that is applicable to 'other' model groups, as that was the original intention.

For additional information the reader is directed to 'The Book of the BSA 250cc, 350cc, 500cc & 600cc OHV & SV singles 1945 to 1959' (ISBN 9781588502292) which covers the B31, B32, B33, B34, C10, C11, C11DL, M20, M21 & M33 models. For later models see 'The Book of the BSA OHV Singles 350cc & 500cc 1955-1967' (ISBN 9781588501561) which covers the B31, B32, B33, B34 & Star B40 & SS90.



    • 語言
    • 英文
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9781588502476
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 0
    • 商品規格
    • 出版地
    • 美國
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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