Bullets in the Fire -The Saga of New York Red

Bullets in the Fire -The Saga of New York Red

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L


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Erma Louise Hill, a liberated young woman, known on the streets of Harlem as "New York Red," a celebrated Number Banker. She generated millions of dollars in revenue for her associates and the Genovese Mafia Family. She was never arrested nor convicted by New York City law enforcement authorities, she was well loved by her customers and the residents of Harlem. Then, what brought about her demise?

She comes of age during the depression under difficult family circumstances in rural South Georgia. Her story begins in 1924 in Plains, Georgia. It was the same year President Jimmy Carter was born and her family occasionally worked for the Carter family. Her intellect surfaced very early in her school career. She excelled in school and her caring heart drove her to help others along the way. This concern for others was evident throughout her life.

The depression made sure every member of any black household had to work in the cotton and peanut fields to eke-out every penny of income to keep from starving. She knew, she had to work hard if she was to make it out of Plains, Georgia. She was raised by strong, hard-working Black women who are forced to live by racist white male rules. She refused, she made and lived by her own rules. Working on the edge of the law in the family's bootlegging business taught Erma early how to earn by making her own rules. She sold moonshine in the family's Roadhouse in Plains, Georgia while dodging Federal Revenuers. Many white racists thought black women were easy pickings, but she fought off white rapist and escaped within an inch of her life. She fled to Atlanta, Georgia's Sweet Auburn Ave. There she lived the high-life of personal fulfillment, sexual freedom and excitement. She is slowed down by the birth of her first son. Realizing she had to care for more than herself, she developed a more conventional lifestyle. But found she had developed a major flaw; she loved married men.

She moved to New York City, but her flaw led to two additional, out of wedlock, children and abandonment by her lovers. With her independence and spirit now almost broken, she turned to playing numbers; an activity that was close to her math training and love. She realized she is good at playing numbers. The local Number Banker (Steve) quickly recognized her skill and asked her to start writing numbers for him. She quickly became one of his more accomplished employees. Now known as "New York Red," she made a name for herself as one of Harlem's most renowned number writers. Steve promoted her to his controller, where she managed his entire number banking enterprise including paying off Mafia Crime Bosses, lawyers, bribing judges and police. Steve introduced her to his partner Fat Tony, the boss of the Genovese crime family, also known as "The 116th Street Crew." They were the most vicious Mafia family in New York City and the country. A riff develops between Steve (her boss) and Fat Tony and the Mafia killed him over a failed drug transaction. His murder leaves her devastated, because Steve promised her, he would not get involved in any illegal drug activities. Steve left his Number Business to her. Without Fat Tony's approval, she takes control of Steve's Number Business and his old territory. The Mafia disapproved, refusing to do business with her; a strong Black woman. She refused to turn over her business to them but her dreams were fulfilled through her children. She made sure her children were well fed, well clothed, well housed and well educated; well prepared for their future success. She found the courage, wisdom and independence to make her own rules. She lived by them and was willing to die by them.

Her immortal instructions to her children were, "Do as I say do, not as I do. I am throwing bricks at the jail house so you won't have too."



    • 語言
    • 英文
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9781735765808
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 0
    • 商品規格
    • 出版地
    • 美國
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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