Holistic nursing:what the feet can Tell (未來健康:腳會說話(英文版))

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L


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Shwu-Feng Tsay, RN, PhD, FAAN, FAANP(H)
Director-General of the Department of Nursing and Health Care, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan

Dr. Shu-Feng Tsay is committed to enhancing the professionalism of clinical nursing, developing a comprehensive community care system, establishing a home care model, and leading the digital transformation for nursing homes and other care facilities in Taiwan. After meeting with Dr. Father Josef Eugster and his FJM team in 2020, she started an early deployment for the Future of Health initiative. After a series of theoretical and practical validations, she incorporated ""foot reflexology"" into the ""holistic nursing"" category.
She is an alumna of National Taiwan University, Johns Hopkins University and National Sun Yat-Sen University; the key person in the initial development of the digital accreditation system for nursing homes; and the key person in establishing the community care and home care models in Taiwan. She has been inducted as a ""Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing"" and an ""Honorary Fellow of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners"" in 2020 and 2021, respectively.

Chi-Wang Hu,
Executive Director, Fr. Josef Eugster H.D. Association

Born in 1960 in Hualien, Taiwan.
Education: Graduate School of Education, National Taitung Normal University
Expertise and Experience: Mr. Hu has worked as a high school teacher and university lecturer. He is currently the Executive Director and Chief Instructor of the Father Josef Eugster Holistic Development Association. In addition to developing the FJM training curriculum and courses, he has helped develop a global assessment and testing system for Father Josef’s Method of Reflexology, and assisted in the establishment of the Asian Training and Testing Center for Father Josef’s Method of Reflexology.


Chapter 1
The Development of Nursing in Taiwan

Chapter 2
The Development History of FJM

Chapter 3
Introduction to Holistic Nursing

Chapter 4
An Encounter with Nursing

Chapter 5
The Footprint of FJM in Nursing

Chapter 6
The Anatomy and Physiology of the Foot

Chapter 7
Basic Foot Care

Chapter 8
FJM Related Theories

Chapter 9
The FJM Therapy



Health is a project of hope, care is a civic literacy
Father Josef Eugster introduced the Foot Reflexology Method to Taiwan in 1979 and named it "Father Josef's Method of Reflexology" (FJM for short) in 2017, and has continued his research for over 40 years.
The World Health Organization has designated this year (2021) as the International Year of Health and Care Workers, with the theme "Protect. Invest. Together.” Through the teaching and learning of the foot reflexology method, this book builds self-care skills for caregivers in order to provide compassionate and sustainable care for the workforce.
The independent function of nursing is not only to take care of the disease, but also to take care of the person who has it," said Nightingale. Faced with multiple chronic comorbidities and the dilemma of disability and dementia care in an aging population, the nursing profession is actively developing "non- pharmaceutical, non-invasive" holistic models of care to effectively address the discomfort and pain that illness causes patients. Foot reflexology is a natural therapy that uses standard “sinking” techniques to apply the “sinking force” on reflex zones including the toes, and all sides of the foot over a forty-minute period, fitting the promotion of the holistic health perfectly.
Father Josef says he is a Taiwanese from Switzerland and has lived for 50 years in Changbin in eastern Taiwan, which is still not accessible by train. He has witnessed Taiwan's development over the past half century and loves it. in 1979, he introduced the foot reflexology method of health. Father Josef said. FJM foot reflexology is a money-saving method of health, a method of health for the desperate, and a method of health for humanity; health is not only physical care, but mental and spiritual care is also very important. He often says that if two members of a family learn the techniques of FJM, that family can save a great deal of money in medical expenses.
Health is a project of hope, and caregiving is an expression of civic literacy. In the future, foot reflexology is destined to become a method of self-care for all caregivers. For a sustainable nursing workforce, it is vital that caregivers are able to take care of themselves through the teaching and learning of foot reflexology. And by validating the clinical effectiveness of this nursing skill, it can be further developed into a unique nursing approach for future patient care.

Shih-Chung Chen, D.D.S.
Minister, Ministry of Health and Welfare



    • 語言
    • 英文
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9786267137185
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 195
    • 商品規格
    • 18開17*23cm
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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