Incredible Mandarin不可思議華語

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L


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本書以幽默有趣的故事、文化對比的角度介紹臺灣和印度的文化特色。主要學習對象為在印度大學學習華語第二年、華語程度A2 - B1的印度學生,以文化比較與語言學習為主軸,設計在地化的教材。每一課分為七部分:課程目標及課文屬性、課文對話、短文、生詞、語法、跨文化延伸和語言任務。


Given that the Mandarin textbooks currently used by Indian universities are pretty outdated, bearing a large gap with the Indian culture and condition of the nation, TEC has been proactive in advancing pedagogies and teaching materials.

Incredible Mandarin is targeted at students learning Mandarin Chinese for the second year at   Indian universities or those with Chinese skills between CEFR A2 and B1 levels. This book is designed with localized content aiming at cultural comparison and language learning for communication. The ten lessons are threaded by an interesting story, introducing cultural highlights of Taiwan and India through cross-culture comparison. Each lesson is divided into seven parts: Lesson Objectives and Topics, Dialogues, Readings, Vocabulary, Grammar, Cross-Cultural Extension, and Language Tasks.

With this book, we have finally started the trial and set foot on the expedition of language education materials for Indian learners. For an even better cross-cultural communication between India and Taiwan, we sincerely hope this textbook would lead more scholars to join us in developing and providing more diverse and adaptive teaching materials for learners in India.


張箴 Felicia Zhen Zhang

Assistant Professor
Master Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan

劉殿敏Diane Dien-Min Liu

Senior Chinese teacher at Mandarin Training Center of National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

陳慶華 Ching-Hua Chen

International Bachelor Degree Program, Chinese Language Center, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan


陳淑芬 Shu-Fen Chen

Department of Chinese Literature, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan


序一 Preface 1
序二 Preface 2
各課重點 Scope and Sequence
詞類表 Parts of Speech in Chinese
主要人物介紹 Introduction to the Main Characters

Lesson 1 印度我們來了 India, Here We Come!
Lesson 2 接風 Holding a Welcome Reception
Lesson 3 自由行 Self-Organized Tours
Lesson 4 熱鬧的排燈節 Lively Diwali
Lesson 5 去喝喜酒 Going to a Wedding Reception
Lesson 6 古蹟的故事 Stories of Ancient Monuments
Lesson 7 逛逛市集 Going to the Market
Lesson 8 養生的方法 Ways of Keeping Healthy
Lesson 9 伴手禮 Souvenirs
Lesson 10 歡送會 Farewell Dinner

附錄一 生詞索引 中—英
Vocabulary Index (Chinese-English)
附錄二 生詞索引 英—中
Vocabulary Index (English-Chinese)
附錄三 簡體字課文
Text in Simplified Characters
附錄四 跨文化延伸中文版
Cross-Cultural Extension in Chinese


序一 Preface I


In 2009, I was very honored to arrange the former Minister, Dr. Ching-Ji Wu’s visit to India. It was the first time a minister from the Republic of China (Taiwan) visited India.


The former Minister, Dr. Wu and the former Minister of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, India (MHRD) had a meeting. Minister, Mr. Kapil Sibal asked Taiwan to send 10,000 Mandarin Chinese instructors to India. It was then we understood how broad a future Mandarin Chinese language education has in India.


After returning to Taiwan, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) officially accepted the mission from the Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan, to establish Taiwan Education Centers in India (TEC). In the very beginning, I tried to contact sister universities of NTHU in India; however, the negotiation process was very challenging, as most were national institutions and there were no formal diplomatic relations between Taiwan and India. It wasn’t until 2011 that Mr. Rawat, former Representative of India in India-Taipei Association (ITA) then, introduced a private university, “O.P. Jindal Global University”, to establish the first Taiwan Education Center in India, known as TEC-JGU. In addition, it was very lucky that, in Dubai Education Fair, I happened to come across the son of the Founder of Amity University, the largest private university in India. This has led us to set up the second TEC in India, also known as TEC-Amity.


After two TECs in private universities in India have been established, with the help of Prof. T.C.A. Rangachari in Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), the first TEC in national university was founded in May 2013, also known as TEC-JMI. Professor Rangachari speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese which he acquired in the Republic of China before 1949. Professor Rangachari was the former Indian Ambassador to Germany and France In the same year, 2013, the 4th TEC was established in Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), also known as TEC-IITM. If it wasn’t for the MoU of sister universities signed during the former NTHU President, Dr. Wen-Tsuen Chen’s, visit to India in 2009 this would not have been possible.During 2015 to 2017, NTHU has further established TEC in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), SRM University (Sri Ramaswamy Memorial University, which was renamed as SRM Institute of Science and Technology, SRMIST), and Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB). These three branches namely TEC-JNU, TEC-SRMIST, TECIITB.


Since 2011, one TEC has been established each year on an average (details shown in table 1). Later MOE suggested that we could slow down our pace. Nevertheless, Chitkara University contacted us in 2018, expressing that they would like to support NTHU to set up a TEC in their campus and offered to cover all the expenses required. The 8th TEC was still much supported by MOE in Chitkara University, and hence, TEC-Chitkara was established in 2019. The Ministry of Education altered its previous policy and acceded to NTHU to continue establishing TEC in India. In this regard, the 9th TEC in India in SRM University, Andhra Pradesh, was established, also known as TEC-SRMAP.


The establishment of TEC assists institutions around Taiwan to collaborate with the Indian universities. With the education of Traditional Chinese characters, it was possible to introduce Taiwanese culture to Indian students and helps them to have better understandings of Taiwan. The Indian-Taiwan bilateral collaboration has been fruitful with the partner universities’ support in providing our instructors’ staff quarters and other necessities.


After running TEC for about 5 to 6 years, we came to notice that there are no books from Taiwan in India. For one, the Indian government protects the press an



    • 語言
    • 中文繁體
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9786263174344
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 288
    • 商品規格
    • 16開19*26cm
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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