International Etiquette:An etiquette guidance to cultivate a professional image and an elegant life

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The author has been conducting "International Etiquette" course in English for several years across various universities. Her extensive teaching background and dynamic instructional approach have made this course a popular option among students. This book is particularly tailored for English educators aiming to introduce EMI courses in educational settings. For students, studying "International Etiquette" in English not only enhances their language proficiency but also equip them with comprehensive understanding of various international etiquette practices.

Leveraging her extensive background as a flight attendant and a professional hotel service training instructor, the author brings a wealth of experience to this book. Additionally, her certification as a wine educator further enriches its content. As a result, this book integrates the etiquette insights from the aviation, hotel, and wine industries, catering to a diverse range of interests.

This book is also highly recommended to use it in complementary with its Chinese version.


Lydia, Jui-Chih Peng

Lydia, Jui-Chih Peng is an adjunct assistant professor, She earned her Ph.D in Human Resources Management from National Changhua University of Education, an MA in Hospitality Management from Tunghai University and Bachelor’s degree in Health and Nutrition Management from Taipei Medical University.
Before entering the field of academia, Lydia worked with 3 airlines: Northwest Airlines, Cathay Pacific Airways and United Airlines. Her roles included Flight Attendant, Chief Purser, and Japanese Interpreter. She is currently teaching at National Chung Hsing University, National Changhua University of Education, and Feng Chia University.
She is also frequently invited to enterprise, government unit and various clubs, her expertise encompasses International Etiquette and Professional Image, Business Etiquette, Hotel Service Personnel Training, and Wine Etiquette, she holds WSET Level 2 certification, and has served as a judge in the national sommelier competition.


Lydia, Jui-Chih Peng

Lydia, Jui-Chih Peng is an adjunct assistant professor, She earned her Ph.D in Human Resources Management from National Changhua University of Education, an MA in Hospitality Management from Tunghai University and Bachelor’s degree in Health and Nutrition Management from Taipei Medical University.
Before entering the field of academia, Lydia worked with 3 airlines: Northwest Airlines, Cathay Pacific Airways and United Airlines. Her roles included Flight Attendant, Chief Purser, and Japanese Interpreter. She is currently teaching at National Chung Hsing University, National Changhua University of Education, and Feng Chia University.
She is also frequently invited to enterprise, government unit and various clubs, her expertise encompasses International Etiquette and Professional Image, Business Etiquette, Hotel Service Personnel Training, and Wine Etiquette, she holds WSET Level 2 certification, and has served as a judge in the national sommelier competition.

Kathlene, Hsin-Chi Chang

Hsin Chi Chang, known as Kathlene Chang, embarked on a journey that led her from her educational roots in Singapore, where she progressed from primary school through junior college. Upon completing her junior college education, she returned to Taiwan for university studies.

Languages have always intrigued her, and her passion for learning them has blossomed. Fluent in both English and Chinese, she has also delved into Tagalog and German, adding an extra layer of cultural understanding to her linguistic repertoire.

Beyond the world of languages, her interests extend to the realm of sports. Running, in particular, captivates her, and she finds herself participating in road runs frequently. But it's not just about physical challenges; She has equally driven to explore the world around her. Whenever the opportunity arises, she embarks on solo travels, firmly subscribing to the notion of "living a life you won't forget.



Author's Preface ( from Chinese edition) iii

Part 1 Etiquette Introduction 1

Chapter 1 Etiquette Introduction 3
Definition and Categories of Etiquette 4
The origin and history of international etiquette 8

Chapter 2 Why the need to learn international etiquette? 13
Why do we learn about international etiquette? 14
Difference in etiquette among various countries 18
Etiquette trend 24

Part 2 Dining Etiquette 29

Chapter 3 The Connotation of Dining Etiquette 31
Factors Contributing to the Formation of International Cuisine 32
Types of Dining 43

Chapter 4 Fine Dining 51
Chinese Dining Etiquette and Table Setting 52
Japanese Dining Etiquette and Table Setting 60
Western Dining Etiquette and Table Setting 64
Seating Arrangements in Dining Etiquette 73

Chapter 5 In-Flight Dining 83
The history of In-Flight Dining 85
Catering service in the cabin 91
Dining etiquette in the cabin 99

Chapter 6 Types of Religion and Dining Etiquette 111
Christianity 113
Islam 118
Hinduism 124
Buddhism 128

Part 3 Culture and Etiquette of Wine and Drinks 133

Chapter 7 Scene of Food and Wine 139
Different types of alcohol beverages 142
Exotic food and wine culture 148
Michelin Guides rating system 152

Chapter 8 The Art of Wine 155
Wine introduction 156
Wine Varieties and Brewing 172

Chapter 9 Wine Tasting 183
Wine tools 184
Wine Tasting 193

Part 4 Transportation Etiquette 207

Chapter 10 Public transportation Etiquette 209
Car ride etiquette 210
Etiquette for new form of transportation 215
Travel Etiquette 220

Chapter 11 Airplane Etiquette 233
The process of taking a plane 235
Boarding etiquette 241

Chapter 12 Airlines Crew Preparation and Etiquette 253
Preparation while schooling 254
Aviation Interview Response 275

Part 5 Hospitality Etiquette 283

Chapter 13 Accommodation Etiquette 285
International Hotels 287
Japanese hotels 294
Bed and Breakfasts and huts 297
New Type of Accommodation - Airbnb 298

Chapter 14 Basic Competency and Etiquette for Hotel Personnel 301
Basic Competency of Hotel Personnel 302
Hospitality Etiquette for Guests from Different Countries 319



Since the publication of my Chinese work, " 國際禮儀:空姐教你如何塑造觀光餐旅的專業形象 ", I have consistently felt the demand for an English version of the textbook. Consequently, I translated this book in the following year.

I teach "International Etiquette" courses in both Chinese and English at several universities and that brings me great joy and satisfaction. Additionally, my English classes are conducted in an English-Medium Instruction (EMI) format, with classes entirely delivered in English. Each semester, my class comprises a diverse mix of foreign students and proficient local students, contributing to the course's multicultural atmosphere. Nonetheless, the various English accents of students from different countries also pose a challenging aspect to the classroom. As a result of that, it prompted me to believe that having an English textbook as a companion could provide students with a reference to better understand the lesson. For students with weaker English-speaking skills, with a book as their reference could encourage them to participate more actively in class discussions.

The Ministry of Education is currently actively promoting English Medium of Instruction (EMI) teaching. International Etiquette is a subject that is relatively relatable yet interesting, making it highly suitable for incorporation into various departments as EMI courses. For local students, this International Etiquette book also serves as an excellent tool for learning English. When using it, I recommend using it alongside the Chinese version. This approach allows students to learn international etiquette while simultaneously enhancing their English proficiency.

I have published this English textbook with the hope that it can contribute to the promotion of English teaching at all levels of schools. For teachers conducting classes in English, this book serves as a convenient English teaching resource. It also includes carefully designed course activities, group discussions, and practical exercises, ensuring the ease of implementation within the curriculum.

My student, Kathlene Chang, was a participant in my International Etiquette viii International Etiquette English class at National Chung Hsing University, and subsequently served as my teaching assistant for the International Etiquette course for four consecutive semesters. She made significant contributions to the translation work of this book.

Jui-chih, Peng 2023.8.23



    • 語言
    • 英文
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9789862984222
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 340
    • 商品規格
    • 16開19*26cm
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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