Office and Home Tai ChiAuthentic Tai Chi You Can Practice Anywhere for Good Health and Imm

Office and Home Tai ChiAuthentic Tai Chi You Can Practice Anywhere for

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L

【KINYO】KIHP-2250 智慧溫控快煮杯0.5L


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Office and Home Tai Chi helps people work out effectively in an office or at home to improve their health and immunity as an indoor or anywhere exercise every day. Office and Home Tai Chi includes two parts, Limber Up Exercise and Xing Qi Tai Chi - Moving Meditation Exercise. It is a combination of physical exercise and therapy for modern people to keep fit in the office or at home. It is well known that Tai Chi has great health benefits as an important part of Chinese Kung Fu. However, the lengthy traditional Tai Chi routines are complicated and limited by space and time for most individuals. People have to spend a lot of time remembering movements and understanding the true meaning. So, it is less suitable for busy groups of young and middle-aged people. The tedious routine and cultural differences have become the biggest obstacles for many to learn Tai Chi. Office and Home Tai Chi has eliminated the tedious movements and kept the most important and worthiest elements. Furthermore, it incorporates Tu Na (吐納) Breathing Exercises and Moving Meditation which strengths the muscles and bones, even nourishing various organs in the body. Office & Home Tai Chi is a concise and efficient regimen. Just twelve minutes of exercise in the office or living room is enough to ease fatigue and promote body function and potential. Immunity to viruses and working efficiency will be naturally improved as well. Businesses may wish to encourage their staff to practice Office and Home Tai Chi before work or during a coffee break. It could be a benefit and investment in terms of productivity of the business in the long run! Office and Home Tai Chi is based on ancient Chinese theories about health care including the running laws of blood, Qi (氣) Vital Energy Flow, and Jing Luo (氣) system-Meridian and Collateral Channels. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes the body consists of a network of channels known as the meridian system. This web of paths links together different parts of the body and organs. Traditional Chinese Medicine created a map of these routes through which Qi (氣) (vital life energy) flows to every part of the body. This flow of Qi energy helps blood flow and maintains the balance of Yin and Yang. It also increases immunity against illness and disease. Chapter 4 of this book includes a collection of detailed classic Meridian System drawings that will help you to understand the twelve meridians and their connections throughout the body. All of the exercises take into account the twelve meridians. Meridians may become blocked. This will result in everything from discomfort and inflammation to disease. The basis for Chinese Acupuncture is to relieve blockages in the meridian system. In the same way, these Tai Chi exercises and self-massage techniques may also relieve pain and eliminate blockages in the system. Self-massage techniques are explained and demonstrated. Author Yue Zhang holds a master's degree from Shandong Normal University. He majored in Physical Education as an undergraduate and Native Traditional Sports as a graduate student. He has excellent abilities in Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and traditional healthcare technologies. He has written about and done research into the application and training of the attacking skills of Wushu Sanda. Since July 2007 he has taught at The Institute of Physical Education, the University of Jinan where he also does research regarding Chinese Kung Fu and traditional Chinese health care technologies. From September 2013 to September 2014 he taught Tai Chi and Moving Meditation at The University of Arizona. Zhang Yue is a member of The USA Wushu-Kungfu Federation (USAWKF). Holder of 6th Duan (grade 6 certificate, the highest professional rank issued by the Chinese Wushu Association [CWA]. He has achieved the Tai Chi First Place at 2017 Golden State International Wushu Championships.



    • 語言
    • 英文
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9780982702390
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 0
    • 商品規格
    • 18開17*23cm
    • 出版地
    • 美國
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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