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RIGOL 正式授權代理商
EMC 電磁相容
RF Cable
留言版 (5)
從伸科技 (TSRF)
  本公司為Copper Mountain Technologies (CMT VNA)與 ERAVANT (SAGE Millimeter)正式授權獨家代理商及維修中心,提供5G mmWave 產品、借測、租賃、代測服務.www.ts-corp.com.tw / T:03-220-0235
PChome > 商店街首頁 > 手機通訊 > 從伸科技 (TSRF) > Near Field Probes

獲得現金積點:70 (1點=1元) 說明

TBPS01 EMC Near-field Probe Set

建議售價 $15000
一次付清特價 46 折 7000
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受17家銀行紅利折抵辦法 )
運  費單店購物車滿 5000 元(含)以上免運費,未滿者自付運費
郵局 0***
商品所在地 桃園市
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The H20, H10, H5 and E5 are magnetic field (H) and electric field (E) probes for radiated emissions EMC pre-compliance measurements. The probes are used in the near field of sources of electromagnetic radiation. They serve to locate and identify potential sources of interference within the building blocks of electronic assemblies. The probes act similar as wide bandwidth antennas, picking up radiated emissions from components, PCB traces, housing openings or gaps and from any other parts that could be emitting RF. The probes are usually connected to a spectrum analyzer. Scanning the probe over the surface of a PCB assembly or housing quickly identifies locations which emit electromagnetic radiation. By changing to a probe with smaller size, the origination of the emissions can be further narrowed down. Additional applications are RF immunity tests by feeding a RF signal into the probe and radiating it into potentially susceptible circuit sections: Furthermore the probes can be used in the field of repair or debugging to track down issues in RF signal chains by contact less measurement of RF signal levels. One more application is non- invasive measurement of RF building blocks such as modulators or oscillators. Frequency, phase noise and spectral components can be measured in conjunction with a low noise preamplifier.



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