        1. A Bottle in the Smoke A Tale of Anglo-Indian Life

          A Bottle in the Smoke A Tale of Anglo-Indian Life

        2. Heal.A 61-Day Journey of Embracing Hope and Finding Peace in the Midst of Anxiety and Depression

          Heal.A 61-Day Journey of Embracing Hope and Finding Peace in the Midst of Anxiety and Depression

        3. The Motor Boys in the Clouds; Or, A Trip for Fame and Fortune

          The Motor Boys in the Clouds; Or, A Trip for Fame and Fortune

        4. The Sixth Centenary Festivals: Of Dante Allighieri in Florence and at Ravenna by a Representative

          The Sixth Centenary Festivals: Of Dante Allighieri in Florence and at Ravenna by a Representative

        5. St. Peter and the Cock. A Tale for the End of the Nineteenth Century

          St. Peter and the Cock. A Tale for the End of the Nineteenth Century

        6. A History of Travel in America, Showing the Development of Travel and Transportation From the Crude Methods of the Canoe and the Dog-sled to the Highly Organized Railway Systems of the Present, Togeth

          A History of Travel in America, Showing the Development of Travel and Transportation From the Crude Methods of the Canoe and the Dog-sled to the Highly Organized Railway Systems of the Present, Togeth

        7. The Tonsils and the Voice in Science, Surgery, Speech and Song; a Comprehensive Monograph on the Structure, Utility, Derangements and Treatment of the Tonsils, and of Their Relationship to Perfect Ton

          The Tonsils and the Voice in Science, Surgery, Speech and Song; a Comprehensive Monograph on the Structure, Utility, Derangements and Treatment of the Tonsils, and of Their Relationship to Perfect Ton

        8. A Monograph of the Mycetozoa Being a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species in the Herbarium of the British Museum. Illustrated With Seventy-eight Plates and Fifty-one Woodcuts

          A Monograph of the Mycetozoa Being a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species in the Herbarium of the British Museum. Illustrated With Seventy-eight Plates and Fifty-one Woodcuts

        9. Sydney - Australia in Black and White

          Sydney - Australia in Black and White

        10. Tale of a Physician, Or, the Seeds and Fruits of Crime ...

          Tale of a Physician, Or, the Seeds and Fruits of Crime ...

        11. Larry Doby in Black and White

          Larry Doby in Black and White

        12. Mountains in the GreenhouseClimate Change and the Mountains of the Western U.S.A.

          Mountains in the GreenhouseClimate Change and the Mountains of the Western U.S.A.

        13. In the Arctic Seas - A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions

          In the Arctic Seas - A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions

        14. A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe on Rivers and Lakes of Europe

          A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe on Rivers and Lakes of Europe

        15. Letters From Canada, Written During a Residence There in the Years 1806, 1807, and 1808

          Letters From Canada, Written During a Residence There in the Years 1806, 1807, and 1808

        16. Cow-keeping in India; a Simple and Practical Book on Their Care and Treatment, Their Various Breeds, and the Means of Rendering Them Profitable

          Cow-keeping in India; a Simple and Practical Book on Their Care and Treatment, Their Various Breeds, and the Means of Rendering Them Profitable

        17. The Birds of Ohio; a Complete Scientific and Popular Description of the 320 Species of Birds Found in the State; Volume 2

          The Birds of Ohio; a Complete Scientific and Popular Description of the 320 Species of Birds Found in the State; Volume 2

        18. The Gold Diggings of Cape Horn; A Study of Life in Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia

          The Gold Diggings of Cape Horn; A Study of Life in Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia

        19. The Landscape Beautiful; a Study of the Utility of the Natural Landscape, its Relation to Human Life and Happiness, With the Application of These Principles in Landscape Gardening, and in art in Gener

          The Landscape Beautiful; a Study of the Utility of the Natural Landscape, its Relation to Human Life and Happiness, With the Application of These Principles in Landscape Gardening, and in art in Gener

        20. A two Years' Cruise off Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands, Patagonia, and in the River Plate; a Narrative of Life in the Southern Seas

          A two Years' Cruise off Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands, Patagonia, and in the River Plate; a Narrative of Life in the Southern Seas

        21. In Unknown China, a Record of the Observations, Adventures and Experiences of a Pioneer Missionary During a Prolonged Sojourn Amongst the Wild and Unknown Nosu Tribe of Western China

          In Unknown China, a Record of the Observations, Adventures and Experiences of a Pioneer Missionary During a Prolonged Sojourn Amongst the Wild and Unknown Nosu Tribe of Western China

        22. Ireland and the Celtic Church; a History of Ireland From St. Patrick to the English Conquest in 1172

          Ireland and the Celtic Church; a History of Ireland From St. Patrick to the English Conquest in 1172

        23. Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain, During the Years 1810 and 1811

          Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain, During the Years 1810 and 1811

        24. The Black Arrow, a Tale of Two Roses

          The Black Arrow, a Tale of Two Roses

        25. A New Voyage Round the World in the Years 1823, 24, 25, and 26; Volume 1

          A New Voyage Round the World in the Years 1823, 24, 25, and 26; Volume 1

        26. The Diary of a Cavalry Officer in the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaign, 1809-1815

          The Diary of a Cavalry Officer in the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaign, 1809-1815

        27. Color in Everyday Life; a Manual for lay Students, Artisaus and Artists; the Principles of Color Combination and Color Arrangement, and Their Applications in Dress, Home, Business, the Theatre and Com

          Color in Everyday Life; a Manual for lay Students, Artisaus and Artists; the Principles of Color Combination and Color Arrangement, and Their Applications in Dress, Home, Business, the Theatre and Com

        28. In the Grip of the Mullah a Tale of Adventure in Somaliland

          In the Grip of the Mullah a Tale of Adventure in Somaliland

        29. A Journey Through Spain In The Years 1786 And 1787; Volume 3

          A Journey Through Spain In The Years 1786 And 1787; Volume 3

        30. A Brief History of Anne Frank - Unravelling a Tale of Courage and Survival in the Holocaust and World War II

          A Brief History of Anne Frank - Unravelling a Tale of Courage and Survival in the Holocaust and World War II

        31. A Supplementary Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pali, and Prakrit books in the Library of the Br

          A Supplementary Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pali, and Prakrit books in the Library of the Br

        32. A Winter on the Nile, in Egypt, and in Nubia

          A Winter on the Nile, in Egypt, and in Nubia

        33. SWAN SONGS OF CYGNUS THE WEIGHT OF BLACK HOLES a love story transcending space and time

          SWAN SONGS OF CYGNUS THE WEIGHT OF BLACK HOLES a love story transcending space and time

        34. The English Stage Italianiz’d, in a New Dramatic Entertainment, Called Dido and ?neas

          The English Stage Italianiz’d, in a New Dramatic Entertainment, Called Dido and ?neas

        35. The Life of Mother Gin; Containing a True and Faithful Relation of Her Conduct and Politicks, in All the Various and Important Occurrences of State ... Particularly, in the Four Last Years of the Late

          The Life of Mother Gin; Containing a True and Faithful Relation of Her Conduct and Politicks, in All the Various and Important Occurrences of State ... Particularly, in the Four Last Years of the Late

        36. A Circumstantial and Authentic Account of a Late Unhappy Affair Which Happened at the Star and Garter Tavern, in Pall-Mall. by a Person Present

          A Circumstantial and Authentic Account of a Late Unhappy Affair Which Happened at the Star and Garter Tavern, in Pall-Mall. by a Person Present

        37. The Tripe Club. a Satyr. Dedicated to All Those Who Are True Friends to Her Present Majesty, and Her Government. ... by the Author of the Tale of a Tub

          The Tripe Club. a Satyr. Dedicated to All Those Who Are True Friends to Her Present Majesty, and Her Government. ... by the Author of the Tale of a Tub

        38. A Glossary of Words and Phrases in the Oral Performing and Dramatic Literatures of the Jin, Yuan, and Ming

          A Glossary of Words and Phrases in the Oral Performing and Dramatic Literatures of the Jin, Yuan, and Ming

        39. Field, Gunboat, Hospital, and Prison; Or, Thrilling Records of the Heroism, Endurance, and Patriotism Displayed in the Union Army and Navy During the Great Rebellion

          Field, Gunboat, Hospital, and Prison; Or, Thrilling Records of the Heroism, Endurance, and Patriotism Displayed in the Union Army and Navy During the Great Rebellion

        40. Sand and Canvas; A Narrative of Adventures in Egypt, with a Sojourn Among the Artists in Rome

          Sand and Canvas; A Narrative of Adventures in Egypt, with a Sojourn Among the Artists in Rome

        41. An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, Written in Egypt During the Years 1833, 34, and 35, Partly From Notes Made During a Former Visit to That Country in the Years 1825, 26, 2

          An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, Written in Egypt During the Years 1833, 34, and 35, Partly From Notes Made During a Former Visit to That Country in the Years 1825, 26, 2

        42. The Holy Week and the Forty Days, a Continuous Narrative in the Words of the Evangelists, With a Comm., by G.F.P. Blyth

          The Holy Week and the Forty Days, a Continuous Narrative in the Words of the Evangelists, With a Comm., by G.F.P. Blyth

        43. A Fortnight's Ramble To The Lakes In Westmoreland, Lancashire, And Cumberland

          A Fortnight's Ramble To The Lakes In Westmoreland, Lancashire, And Cumberland

        44. Young Japan. Yokohama and Yedo. A Narrative of the Settlement and the City From the Signing of the Treaties in 1858, to the Close of the Year 1879. With a Glance at the Progress of Japan During a Peri

          Young Japan. Yokohama and Yedo. A Narrative of the Settlement and the City From the Signing of the Treaties in 1858, to the Close of the Year 1879. With a Glance at the Progress of Japan During a Peri

        45. Dissertation on the Dragon, Beast, and Falseprophet, of the Apocalypse; in Which the Number 666 is Satisfactorily Explained. And Also a Full Illustration of Daniel’s Vision of the ram and Hegoat

          Dissertation on the Dragon, Beast, and Falseprophet, of the Apocalypse; in Which the Number 666 is Satisfactorily Explained. And Also a Full Illustration of Daniel’s Vision of the ram and Hegoat

        46. Kashmir and Kashghar. A Narrative of the Journey of the Embassy to Kashghar in 1873-74

          Kashmir and Kashghar. A Narrative of the Journey of the Embassy to Kashghar in 1873-74

        47. The Mystery of Space; a Study of the Hyperspace Movement in the Light of the Evolution of new Psychic Faculties and an Inquiry Into the Genesis and Essential Nature of Space

          The Mystery of Space; a Study of the Hyperspace Movement in the Light of the Evolution of new Psychic Faculties and an Inquiry Into the Genesis and Essential Nature of Space

        48. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities of Animal Materials and Bronze in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy

          A Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities of Animal Materials and Bronze in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy

        49. Travels in the Interior of Brazil, Particularly in the Gold and Diamond Districts of That Country ... Including a Voyage to the Rio De La Plata, and an Historical Sketch of the Revolution of Buenos Ay

          Travels in the Interior of Brazil, Particularly in the Gold and Diamond Districts of That Country ... Including a Voyage to the Rio De La Plata, and an Historical Sketch of the Revolution of Buenos Ay

        50. The Siege of Carlaverock in the XXVIII Edward I. A.D. MCCC; With the Arms of the Earls, Barons, and Knights, who Were Present on the Occasion; With a Translation, a History of the Castle, and Memoirs

          The Siege of Carlaverock in the XXVIII Edward I. A.D. MCCC; With the Arms of the Earls, Barons, and Knights, who Were Present on the Occasion; With a Translation, a History of the Castle, and Memoirs
