          1. Bickerstaff’s Boston almanack, for the year of our redemption 1774 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, N.E. lat. 42’ 25簞 n. ...

            Bickerstaff’s Boston almanack, for the year of our redemption 1774 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, N.E. lat. 42’ 25簞 n. ...

          1. Douglas and Popular Sovereignty. Speech of Carl Schurz, of Wisconsin, in Hampden Hall, Springfield, Mass., January 4, 1850. Also, Remarks of Senator Doolittle, of Wisconsin, on the Occasion of the Lat

            Douglas and Popular Sovereignty. Speech of Carl Schurz, of Wisconsin, in Hampden Hall, Springfield, Mass., January 4, 1850. Also, Remarks of Senator Doolittle, of Wisconsin, on the Occasion of the Lat

          1. Ausgew瓣hlte Kom繹dien, Erkl瓣rt Von J. Brix. (b.g. Teubner’s Schulausg. Gr. U. Lat. Classiker, B). Bdchen. 2

            Ausgew瓣hlte Kom繹dien, Erkl瓣rt Von J. Brix. (b.g. Teubner’s Schulausg. Gr. U. Lat. Classiker, B). Bdchen. 2

          1. Ismael Abu’l-Feda, de Vita, Et Rebus Gestis Mohammedis [from the Annals]. Ex Codice Msto Pocockiano Bibliothec疆 Bodleian疆 Textum Arab. Primus Ed., Lat. Vertit, Pr疆fatione, & Notis Illustr. J. Gagnier

            Ismael Abu’l-Feda, de Vita, Et Rebus Gestis Mohammedis [from the Annals]. Ex Codice Msto Pocockiano Bibliothec疆 Bodleian疆 Textum Arab. Primus Ed., Lat. Vertit, Pr疆fatione, & Notis Illustr. J. Gagnier

          1. Hymns Ancient and Modern, for Use in the Services of the Church, With Annotations and With Some Metrical Translations of the Hymns in Lat. and Germ., Re-Ed. by L.C. Biggs

            Hymns Ancient and Modern, for Use in the Services of the Church, With Annotations and With Some Metrical Translations of the Hymns in Lat. and Germ., Re-Ed. by L.C. Biggs

          1. An Astronomical Diary; Or Almanack for the Year of Our Lord Christ 1772 ... Calculated for the Meridian of Boston, New-England, Lat. 42 25 North. ... by Nathaniel Ames

            An Astronomical Diary; Or Almanack for the Year of Our Lord Christ 1772 ... Calculated for the Meridian of Boston, New-England, Lat. 42 25 North. ... by Nathaniel Ames

          1. Severiani Sive Seberiani Gabalorum Episcopi Emesensis Homiliae, Ed., in Lat. Sermonem Tr., Per J.B. Aucher

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          1. Letters Written by Lord Chesterfield to His Son, Ed. With Notes, Tr.Of the Lat., Fr., and Ital. Quotations and a Biogr. Notice of the Author, by C.S. Carey

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          1. D. Junii Juvenalis Satir疆 Xiii. Thirteen Satires of Juvenal. the Lat. Text of O. Jahn Ed., With Engl. Notes, by J.E.B. Mayor. With a Comm. by J.E.B. Mayor

            D. Junii Juvenalis Satir疆 Xiii. Thirteen Satires of Juvenal. the Lat. Text of O. Jahn Ed., With Engl. Notes, by J.E.B. Mayor. With a Comm. by J.E.B. Mayor

          1. An Astronomical Diary, or, An Almanack for the Year of our Lord Christ, 1738. ... Calculated for the Meridian of Boston in New-England. Lat. 42 deg. 25 min. North. By Nathanael Ames. [Twelve Lines of

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          1. Wine, Women, and Song, Medi疆val Lat. Students’ Songs, Tr. Into Engl. Verse With an Essay by J.a. Symonds

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          1. Homeri Carmina Cum Breui Annotatione [and a Lat. Tr.]. Accedunt Variae Lectiones Et Obseruationes Veterum Grammaticorum [&c.] Curante C.G. Heyne. Tom. 1-8 [containing the Iliad. No More Publ.].

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            Hin Forna L繹gb籀k ?slend穩nga, Sem Nefnist Gr獺g獺s, Cum Interpretatione Lat. [by T. Sveinbj繹rnsson] Pr疆missa Comm. Historica Et Critica Ab J.f.g. Schlegelconscripta

          1. Homeri Carmina Cum Breui Annotatione [and A Lat. Tr.]. Accedunt Variae Lectiones Et Obseruationes Veterum Grammaticorum [&c.] Curante C.g. Heyne. Tom. 1-8 [containing The Iliad. No More Publ.]

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            Constantini Porphyrogeniti ... De Cerimoniis Aulae Byzantinae Libri Duo, Gr. Et Lat., E Recens. I. I. Reiskii, Cum Eiusdem Comm. Integris; Volume 1

          1. Konsultacje medyczne dla dzieci w wieku od 0 do 5 lat w 2013 r.

            Konsultacje medyczne dla dzieci w wieku od 0 do 5 lat w 2013 r.
